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"Discontent is the first necessity of progress.  Show me a thoroughly satisfied man and I'll show you a failure."

    - Thomas Edison

Hilarious Videos - Here's to your Health!

Laughing will add years to your life.  Enjoy a fun trip to the fountain of youth.  Don't take life so seriously.  Embrace it, smile, and laugh your way through it.  

Creativity and invention seem to come easier for the jovial being.

Additional Video Links:

Planet Motivation Favorites
Some of our top choices for entertainment and feeling great.

Motivational Videos
All about motivation.  These will get you psyched!

Amazing People
How do they do that?!?!  Amazing kids, brilliant athletes, and incredible individuals

From everyday dads to people that have changed the world.

Mind Movies
Modern day, sensory-rich goal setting.  Want to achieve your goals faster - START HERE!

Sometimes we need a small push to keep us going OR get us back on track.

Self Help, Learning, and Training
If a picture is worth a thousand words, a video is worth a million.  FREE education!!